Five Minute Friday: STILL

Being okay with change is one thing. Finding your new normal in that change is yet another. I am still getting used to the new normal that happened with the last big changes in my life, and here comes another one.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

I will. I have to or I don’t survive. Sometimes it feels like we’re holding on for dear life with the pace of change in this world. So the question is, what I am I holding onto? I choose to hold on to the Almighty God and His promises to take care of me and love me. Period. That’s really all that matters. The rest of the stuff in life still happens, but when my focus is on Him and what He is doing with my life, I don’t have to stress or worry about things.

“Be still and know that I am God”, He reminds me again. And again.

He is God and I am not. I remind myself of that often, especially when my troubleshooting, problem-solving brain can’t get it solved. I am so thankful that He loves me and knows what is ahead. He knows, He’s got it, and I will be still and seek Him.


Kate Motaung is the amazing host of the Five-Minute Friday community.

Join us here for the #FMFparty where we write without editing for 5 minutes.

5 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: STILL

  1. Hello Shari… I am Bevy – Treasured Up and Pondered. I just got a notification via my email… that you’re now following me – with a wordpress account. Actually, I don’t have a blog through wordpress… only via blogger. My address is: ((although, at one time I tried to set one up there… didn’t care for it..))

    The only reason I have this wordpress name is so that I can actually comment on certain blogs. I just thought I would tell you – in case you were wondering why no blog posts were ever coming through from me.

    I have never gotten this “indication” before… so, I’m glad I caught it with you.

      1. Not a problem and thanks for letting me know because I was a little confused about the date of your last post after I hit the button. 🙂 I’ll find you on blogspot.

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